Robotic Arm for cleaning oil tanks in the ship

    The project is based on real industrial problem faced by ship maintenance industry. Cleaning of oil tank is major issue and hazardous to human who enters oil tank so we decided to build a prototype of a bot which will clean the oil tank automatically. Initially we thought of designing a hydraulic lift with robotic arm mounted on it, but it would not withstand high pressure fluids passing through pipe due to momentum.

    So we decided to build a moving bot in which the arm will be mounted on the rover tank with Magnetic caterpillar track. We started creating 3D sketches by traditional designing practices on paper and kept on modifying sketches. Here are some photos of model drawn by hands.

Initial Stage Sketching

Modified Initial sketch

    After completing 3D sketch, we started working on prototype of CAD MODELS in Fusion 360 and solidworks.



    Our bot will include sludge concentrator at the front which fill concentrate sludge at the center i.e., to the vacuum hose provided at bottom of flaps. The flaps will have 2 degrees of freedom One is vertical axis rotation (to cover maximum area at once) and the other is rotation along horizontal axis parallel to front edge (this motion will be used while climbing the wall using magnetic pads attached on caterpillar track) .

Approach of cleaning and inspection: robot will adapt layer by layer approach to clean the walls first followed by cleaning of floor using vacuum. Fluids used for cleaning include quicklime solution, WD40 and water as primary liquid. Inspection of tank would be done using dye penetrant NDT and visual pictures.

    I would like to thank Dr. Satish Satpal Sir for guiding us throughout the project and also our team members who coordinated while building prototype.

Team Name: Blitzkrieg

Team Members:

  • Kshitija Chavan
  • Hardik Makwana
  • Sagar Kadam
  • Saurabh Mane
  • Hitesh Kunjir
  • Bhavin Sonar


Thank you.

Written By: Mr. Hardik Makwana

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